How to Take Flower Essences

You can take the remedies in several ways, and the instructions here are designed to be easy to remember. Taking larger doses at one time doesn't have a stronger effect; but if you are going through a crisis you can take more frequent doses to get you through it.
Each brand of essence has it's own method & it's own dosage.
Be sure & follow the directions on the bottles or what comes along with your purchase.

Direct on the tongue with La Vie De La Rose
This is referred to as 'neat', without diluting them. This tastes slightly of brandy which is used as a preservative.
Taking remedies

For La Vie De La Rose: One drop in the morning & one in the evening,
Take one drop daily to clarify what patterns to relinquish and to identify and establish new patterns of consciousness that correlate with the Self you are unfolding. Take one drop up to three times daily for assistance in identifying what pattern(s) are at the root of a painful or unpleasant experience; when you are stuck in a repetitive and/or troublesome pattern; and when you find it challenging to establish the more evolved pattern of choice. Take one dropperful (10-12 drops) when you would like immediate spiritual assistance in exhibiting a new pattern and/or resisting an old one.

For Bach:  two drops, direct on the tongue; 4 times a day.
If you are taking the pre-mixed emergency formula the dosage is four drops, again direct on the tongue.

The 'glass of water' method used with Bach
Taking remediesFor short-term moods and problems put two drops of each selected remedy in a glass of water. Sip as often as required until relief is obtained. If using the pre-mixed emergency formula, add four drops to the glass instead of two.
You can use this method for longer-term problems as well. Just sip from the glass throughout the day, at least four times a day - and keep the glass in the 'fridge or make up a fresh glass each day.

Treatment bottles with Bach

VideoFor more chronic problems we recommend your practitioner make a treatment bottle for you. Treatment bottles will last two or three weeks if you keep them cool - in the fridge, for example. If that isn't possible - maybe you live somewhere warm or will be carrying the bottle around in your pocket - add a teaspoon of brandy to the treatment bottle before topping up with water. This will help keep the water from going off. If you don't want to use brandy, use cider vinegar or glycerine instead.